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RVP Election - Deh Cho

April 23, 2024

The nomination deadline for Dehcho Regional Vice President has been extended to Tuesday, May 7 at 3:00pm. 

Please use the nomination form provided in the original Nomination Call package (below). No additional nomination forms or documentation will be sent to members via mail.

March 26, 2024

Nomination Call for Dehcho Regional Vice President

DEADLINE FOR NOMINATIONS: April 17, 2024 - 3:00pm

The official nomination call for all members interested in running for the position of the Regional Vice-President (RVP) of the Dehcho Region was mailed to members' home addresses on March 25:

The Duties of Officers, including the Regional Vice-Presidents, are listed in the Union of Northern Workers’ By-Laws.

Eligibility to run for the position of RVP:

  • you must be a current UNW member in good standing, in the Dehcho Region,
  • you must show that you have been active within the union for at least one full (continuous) year as a UNW Local Officer as defined by the UNW By-laws and Regulations or the Local By-laws. You are required to provide the details related to your involvement at the Local level at the same time you submit your nomination form.

Your nominator and seconder must also be current members in good standing from the Dehcho Region.

Electronic approvals (e.g emails from nominator and seconder confirming support) will be accepted in lieu of physical signatures. These must be included in the nomination package submitted to UNW HQ.

All nominations must be received no later than 3:00 pm on April 17, 2024.

The mailing address is:
Union of Northern Workers
Suite 400, 4910 53rd Street
Yellowknife, NT
X1A 1V2

Nomination packages may also be scanned and emailed to:
Fax nominations will also be accepted at: 867-920-4448. 

For more information:
UNW By Law 13, Election of Officers
UNW Regulation I. Executive Affairs 4. Election of Officers.

If you are interested in this position and require additional information, please contact the Director of Finance and Administration, Kim Bailey, at the UNW.